approx AUD$415
Exploring and Applying Psycho-Sensory Intervention: Trauma Informed Practice
11 hours of online learning with Kim Barthel
Study at your own pace - 120 days of access
Team group discounts (up to 25% saving) and partial scholarships available.
Note: Course purchase will link to 'Relationship Matters' learning platform website.
Payment will be made in Canadian Dollars
A 11 hour online learning experience presented by Kim Barthel, Canadian Occupational Therapist and renowned international speaker.
Presented by Kim Barthel
approx AUD$415
Note: Course purchase will link to 'Relationship Matters' learning platform website. Payment will be made in Canadian Dollars
Exploring and Applying Psycho-Sensory Intervention
This course combines a range of approaches to support clients, based on neurobiological foundations, with a holistic understanding of how the brain organizes arousal, trauma, executive functions and movement. Kim will explore psycho-therapeutic relational interventions, attachment theory, sensory processing and body-based practices that enhance regulation and daily functioning. This course will provide a deeper dive into the treatment process from a psycho-sensory perspective.
Kim's storytelling, wisdom and captivating teaching style will move and inspire you.
Watch interview with Kim Barthel and Lisa from Be & Belong to learn more about this course.
Course overview
Online learning - course access for one registered individual
Study at your own pace - 120 days of access
11 hours of online learning with Kim Barthel
Course divided into 8 video chapters
Personalised Course Certificate issued on successful course completion
Course aimed at:
Allied Health and Medical Professionals including psychologists, occupational therapists, social workers, counsellors, mental health workers, educators, GPs, paediatricians and psychiatrists.